Pritzker’s Warning: Trump’s Dehumanizing Rhetoric Resembles Nazi Germany

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker strongly criticized former President Donald Trump for referring to his perceived enemies as “vermin,” equating it to the dehumanizing language used in Nazi Germany. According to Pritzker, Trump’s rhetoric, which is echoed by his followers and far-right extremists, is reminiscent of the language used in 1930s Germany. Before becoming governor, Pritzker …

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President Biden condemns Trump for using ‘Nazi-like rhetoric’ in latest attack

In San Francisco, President Joe Biden criticized his political opponent, Donald Trump, for using language reminiscent of “Nazi Germany.” Biden pointed out Trump’s derogatory description of his rivals as “vermin,” and expressed concern that Trump is set on undermining American democracy. During a campaign fundraiser, Biden cited Trump’s remarks from a recent interview and post …

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Biden Condemns Trump for Echoing Nazis with Use of the Word ‘Vermin’

During a recent address in San Francisco, U.S. President Joe Biden criticized former President Donald Trump for using the word “vermin” to describe his political opponents. Biden stated that Trump’s language echoed that of Nazi Germany from the 1930s. Trump’s recent rally in New Hampshire saw him repeating his unfounded claims of election fraud and …

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Trump’s Vow of Vengeance: Why Republicans are Ignoring the Controversy

Top Republican lawmakers are avoiding questions about former President Donald Trump’s vow to “purge” his political opponents in a Veterans’ Day message where he labeled them as “vermin”. When asked about Trump’s comments, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) referenced a similar comment made by Hillary Clinton and said, “Real Hitlers are called Hamas,” as Sen. Marco …

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98-Year-Old Man Accused as an Accessory to Murder at Nazi Camp

A 98-year-old man in Germany has been charged with being an accessory to murder at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp during World War II, according to prosecutors. This German citizen, residing in Main-Kinzig County near Frankfurt, allegedly supported the cruel and malicious killing of thousands of prisoners as a member of the SS guard. The suspect, …

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German Exceptionalism Comes to an End

Former Chancellor Angela Merkel once famously associated Germany with its ability to produce high-quality, airtight windows. This emphasis on economic success and excellence has long been a source of pride for Germany, allowing the country to celebrate itself as an “export world champion” and showcase its well-functioning capitalist-corporatist system. Additionally, Germany’s fiscal conservatism and hawkish …

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Oklahoma City Resident Discovers Swastika Carved Into Their Front Lawn

An Oklahoma City resident, Stan Sells, was confronted with a disturbing sight outside his home this week. While mowing his lawn, Sells discovered a swastika cut into the grass, facing his house. Sells suspects that the act was carried out by a neighbor with whom he has been involved in a long-standing dispute. Although Sells …

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