Rising Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions Fueled by China, India, and Aviation

Rising Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions Fueled by China, India, and Aviation

Scientists reported that the world emitted 1.1% more heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in 2023 compared to the previous year, attributing this increase to higher pollution levels in China and India. The announcement came at the international climate talks, where global officials aim to reduce emissions by 43% by 2030. Unfortunately, carbon pollution continues …

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SpaceX’s Race to 100 Launches: The Latest Updates and Milestones

SpaceX’s Race to 100 Launches: The Latest Updates and Milestones

Last night, a Falcon 9 took off from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station and delivered another 23 Starlink satellites into orbit. The launch took place at 11:00 pm ET (04:00 UTC) and marked the continued build-out of the Group 6 Starlink shell, known as Group 6-31. Liftoff! pic.com/4GOJmqLxKd — SpaceX …

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New Partnership Between U.S. and India Boosts Space Exploration Collaboration

New Partnership Between U.S. and India Boosts Space Exploration Collaboration

India’s space dreams continue to soar as the nation deepens its collaboration with the United States on a range of upcoming scientific and human spaceflight missions. During a recent visit to India by NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, partnerships between the US and India’s space agency, the Indian Space Research Organization, were solidified. This further solidifies …

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ISRO Successfully Returns Chandrayaan-3 Propulsion Module to Earth Orbit, Demonstrates Moon Return Technology

ISRO Successfully Returns Chandrayaan-3 Propulsion Module to Earth Orbit, Demonstrates Moon Return Technology

BENGALURU: In a bold showcase of India’s space capabilities, ISRO has successfully achieved the return of the Chandrayaan-3 Propulsion Module (PM) back to Earth’s orbit after outperforming its initial lunar mission objectives. This historic event follows the remarkable lunar hop by Vikram, which highlighted ISRO’s ability to reignite lunar engines and control equipment beyond its …

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Rare Solar Storm Lights Up Texas Sky with Northern Lights Display

Rare Solar Storm Lights Up Texas Sky with Northern Lights Display

Wesley Luginbyhl, a storm and landscape photographer, photographed the Northern Lights from the small, rural town of Vega, Texas. It’s the third time he’s seen them in Texas this year. Wesley Luginbyhl The Northern Lights, a mesmerizing display of colorful lights dancing across the sky that have long captivated humans for centuries, normally occur near …

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New Research Shows That Solar Superstorms Are More Common Than Previously Believed, Striking Earth 150 Years Ago

New Research Shows That Solar Superstorms Are More Common Than Previously Believed, Striking Earth 150 Years Ago

Japanese auroral drawing from Shounji Temple shows Okazaki observation on February 4, 1872 with contrast enhancement. Earlier this year, the rare appearance of the northern lights at uncharacteristic southern locations such as Italy and Texas was due to a solar coronal mass ejection and its effects on our planet’s magnetic field and atmosphere. However, this …

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Are guilt-free long-haul flights possible? Explore the possibilities

Are guilt-free long-haul flights possible? Explore the possibilities

Aviation faces a challenging ascent into a more sustainable future. Despite its commitment to reducing its planet-warming pollution by 2050, the industry is struggling to reach its target due to a lack of clear solutions. With around 2.5% of global carbon emissions attributed to the sector, the true climate impact is actually higher due to …

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