U.S. Includes Cluster Munitions in Military Aid Package for Ukraine

U.S. Includes Cluster Munitions in Military Aid Package for Ukraine

President Joe Biden defended his decision to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine, stating that it was a difficult but necessary choice. The administration believes that these weapons will be crucial in the fight and has received assurances from Ukraine that they will use them responsibly. The decision has sparked questions from NATO allies, as more …

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Biden’s explanation of economic plan adopts teamsters’ interests

Biden’s explanation of economic plan adopts teamsters’ interests

Joe Biden recently attempted to elucidate the concept of “Bidenomics,” but his explanation of his economic philosophy was convoluted and difficult to comprehend. Fortunately, there is no need to rely on Sleepy Joe’s words to grasp the idea; average Americans can shed light on what they perceive as the sinister aspects of Bidenomics – excessive …

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D.C. Review Panel Concludes Rudy Giuliani Should Face Disbarment Due to Baseless Election Fraud Claims

D.C. Review Panel Concludes Rudy Giuliani Should Face Disbarment Due to Baseless Election Fraud Claims

In a groundbreaking move, a review panel of the Washington, D.C., Bar Association has recommended the disbarment of former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. This recommendation comes as a result of Giuliani’s handling of litigation challenging the 2020 election on behalf of then-President Trump. The panel, composed of three experienced lawyers, highlighted Giuliani’s baseless claims …

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U.S. Plans to Dispatch Cluster Munitions to Ukraine

U.S. Plans to Dispatch Cluster Munitions to Ukraine

U.S. to Send Cluster Munitions to Ukraine transcript Back transcript U.S. to Send Cluster Munitions to Ukraine President Biden and his advisers initially had reservations about supplying cluster munitions to Ukraine, but they ultimately decided to provide the weapons to its military forces due to the shortage of artillery rounds. In order to bridge the …

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U.S. Includes controversial cluster munitions in $800 million aid package sent to Ukraine

U.S. Includes controversial cluster munitions in 0 million aid package sent to Ukraine

The Biden administration has announced that it will provide cluster munitions to Ukraine in an effort to bolster its defense capabilities. National security adviser Jake Sullivan stated that the U.S. will not leave Ukraine defenseless and emphasized that Kyiv has promised to use the controversial weapons carefully. This decision comes ahead of the NATO summit, …

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