Google Supports WhatsApp’s Stance Regarding Unauthorized Android Microphone Access, Asserts Notice as a Technical Glitch

Have you ever wondered if WhatsApp was spying on you? Or was it simply a case of mistaken notifications? According to Google, a bug related to WhatsApp in May caused “erroneous privacy indicators and notifications” for Android users on their Privacy Dashboard tool. The company clarified that there was no actual unauthorized access to phone …

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Report: New Twitter CEO Initiates Payment of Bills

Twitter’s new CEO, Linda Yaccarino, known as the “Velvet Hammer,” has successfully resolved a conflict with Google over unpaid cloud service bills. Yaccarino, a former executive at NBCUniversal, was brought in by Elon Musk to lead Twitter. The dispute with Google, which had halted Twitter’s payments, has been settled after Yaccarino’s intervention. Sources reveal that …

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Content Bill Advances in Canada Resulting in Facebook and Instagram Block

Canadian users will lose the ability to share content on Facebook and Instagram as the country’s legislature has enacted a law that mandates payment to news outlets for sharing their stories on social media platforms. Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, announced on Thursday that it would indeed block access to these platforms …

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Google’s €2.4bn search fine upheld after losing battle in Brussels

Google has faced substantial fines from the EU in three separate competition cases since 2017, totaling €8.5bn. However, the company has contested each of these fines, with opponents suggesting that the recent ruling could make Google more susceptible to future competition fines. The European Commission stated, “Today’s judgment delivers the clear message that Google’s conduct …

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Suspected Involvement of Generative AI in Phishing Scams

SK Shieldus senior official Lee Ho-suk addresses an industry seminar in Seoul focused on combating diverse phishing scams. Photo courtesy of SK Shieldus. SEOUL, June 22 (UPI) — South Korean cybersecurity firm SK Shieldus reveals that artificial intelligence-based voice cloning technology may be at play in phishing scams. During an industry seminar, the affiliate company …

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