Legal trouble looms over Paterson’s alternative high school, Alonzo Tambua Moody Academy, after an alarming incident involving a student and an educator. Jamarr Johnson, an 18-year-old student, found himself entangled in a hallway altercation with the school’s instructional aide, Boswell Anglin, which led to Johnson being attacked by his peers after Anglin’s termination.
Legal Actions
Johnson has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the school district, citing their failure to protect him and their negligence in addressing similar assaults. On the other hand, Anglin, 40, intent on clearing his name, has filed a notice of a potential lawsuit against the school district and sought to claim his rights to due process, back pay, legal fees, and damages for emotional distress.
Security Camera Evidence
Evidence from a security camera revealed that Anglin was the aggressor, triggering the altercation, and was subsequently charged with assault and endangering the welfare of a minor. This footage disproves any allegations of Johnson initiating the tussle.
Anglin’s outspoken supporters led to the reassignment of the academy’s principal, Zatiti Moody, but his absence following the incident has caused controversy.
Joe Malinconico is editor of Paterson Press.
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