Unleashing Innovation and Tradition: Toyota’s Strategic Move in the EV Realm

At factories in Japan’s industrial heartland, Toyota (7203.T) has implemented various innovative techniques to catch up in the electric vehicle market. They have utilized self-propelled assembly lines, large-scale die casting, and traditional hand polishing, combining these methods with their renowned lean production methods that have been used for decades.

To demonstrate their latest advancements, Toyota recently held a plant tour in central Japan, unveiling some of their techniques for the first time. One example of their cost-effective ingenuity is a method to create high-gloss bumpers without paint. Instead, skilled craftsmen hand polish the mold to achieve a mirror-like finish, resulting in a glossy bumper.

In addition, Toyota has automated and improved three-decade-old equipment through robotics and 3D modeling, significantly boosting equipment productivity by three times. Chief Product Officer Kazuaki Shingo emphasized Toyota’s ability to adapt to changing times, thanks to their engineering and technology expertise anchored in the Toyota Production System (TPS).

The Toyota Production System, which encompasses lean production, just-in-time delivery, and “kanban” workflow organization, has revolutionized modern manufacturing. Toyota’s methods have been widely adopted across industries, including healthcare, software, and business, and have been extensively studied in academic and professional settings.