In 2017, Apple introduced OLED screens in the iPhone X and the first Apple Watch. However, the adoption of OLED technology in other Apple products has been slow, with LCD screens still in use for iMacs, MacBooks, standalone displays, and iPads. But if rumors are true and the next iPad Pro is getting the OLED treatment, I’m all for it.
The limitations of LCD panels are particularly noticeable on the 11-inch iPad Pro, where off-axis viewing leads to significant dimming of the screen. Additionally, the lack of contrast in LCD displays affects the overall viewing experience, especially when watching movies and playing games.
The improved contrast and deep blacks of OLED screens would greatly enhance the visual experience, especially for gaming and movie-watching. Additionally, it opens up the possibility of an always-on iPad screen, adding new functionality to the device.
If the next iPad Pro comes with an OLED upgrade and additional features, it would be a compelling reason for current users to make the switch.
Rumors from credible sources, including Mark Gurman and Ming-Chi Kuo, suggest that Apple is indeed planning to release new iPad Pro models with OLED screens. This could mark a significant upgrade for the iPad lineup, offering improved display performance and power efficiency.