Crucial Insights: Hospitals’ Decision-Making on Masking up This Fall

Back in the spring, around the end of the COVID-19 public-health emergency, hospitals around the country underwent a change in dress code. During the pandemic, hospitals required staff to wear masks at all times. However, as the situation improved, hospitals started to relax their masking policies. At UChicago Medicine, for example, masking policies were softened …

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Rising Nationwide: Post-Hurricane Floodwaters in Florida Harbor Flesh-Eating Bacteria, Floridians Alerted

Floridians are being advised to avoid floodwaters in the aftermath of Hurricane Idalia due to the potential presence of flesh-eating bacteria. The destruction caused by the hurricane has raised concerns about an increase in infections caused by Vibrio vulnificus, a bacteria that typically resides in warm seawater but can be carried inland by storms. Data …

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The Inescapable Grip of Trump on Biden’s Poll Numbers

Former President Donald Trump has faced a relentless onslaught of bad news this year, with multiple indictments and felony charges piling up against him. In contrast, President Joe Biden has enjoyed mostly positive news, with controlled inflation, steady job growth, and a recovering stock market. Despite this, national polls and swing state surveys consistently show …

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After Devastating Florida, Deadly Tropical Storm Idalia Causes Flooding in South Carolina, Including Charleston

Affected by the storm? Utilize CNN’s lite site for low bandwidth. Idalia, once a hurricane, weakened to a tropical storm on Wednesday evening. It unleashed heavy rain, strong winds, and power outages in southern Georgia and the Carolinas. Prior to moving through South Carolina, the storm caused coastal inundation, with water breaching the Charleston Battery …

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Woman Detained for Allegedly Sending False Messages Claiming Her Own Murder

A 37-year-old woman has been arrested in Franklin, North Carolina, for falsely reporting her own murder while she was actually in a neighboring town. Margaret Frances “Maggie” Elizabeth Sweeney was taken into custody under suspicion of causing a false report to a police station. She made anonymous third-party false reports to a friend and the …

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Father of NFL Player Dies in Home Explosion

Overnight, there was a tragic incident that resulted in the death of Robert M. Farley, the father of Tennessee Titans cornerback Caleb Farley. The explosion that occurred in Caleb’s North Carolina home also left another individual injured. Fortunately, Caleb was not present at the time of the blast. Authorities discovered the body of Robert …

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Discover the 318 counties in America with the highest vulnerability to hurricanes: Find out where your hometown stands on the list.

As hurricane season approaches and extends until November, researchers have identified more than 300 counties along the east coast that are particularly vulnerable to destructive storms. The data reveals that Broward and Palm Beach counties in Florida are the most at risk. In fact, all but one of the top ten counties prone to hurricanes …

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The Atlantic: Excessive American Voting Observed

In the United States, elections are a constant presence. From small towns like Montgomery, Alabama to the Mariana Ranchos County Water District in California, dozens of local contests are taking place this month. On a single day, August 8, Custer County, Colorado held a recall election, Ohio asked residents to consider a major ballot measure, …

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Is Mississippi Truly as Impoverished as Britain?

Mississippi’s position of being compared unfavorably to the United Kingdom has caused significant embarrassment for the state. Last week, the Financial Times published an article titled “Is Britain Really as Poor as Mississippi?” This comparison, which has become known as “the Mississippi Question,” has sparked much discussion among Brits, particularly those residing in Jackson, Mississippi …

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