NHS Executives Award £83,000 Contract to Enhance Patient Safety Through Innovative Hospital and Surgery Floor Slipperiness Testing

Now NHS bosses hand out £83,000 contract – to test the slippiness of floors in hospitals and surgeries! NHS Lanarkshire wants to test floors across 60 properties using a ‘pendulum test’ – a mechanical foot with a rubber sole The device measures ‘slip potential and fall risk on walking surfaces’ – and health bosses say …

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Pharmacies and GPs Decry Chaotic Covid and Flu Autumn Jab Rollouts, Slamming Health Chiefs for No-Show Deliveries

Britain’s booster jab drive faced potential chaos just one day after the autumn roll-out began due to a shortage of doses at surgeries and chemists. General practitioners (GPs) have expressed concerns that they may not have enough Covid and flu vaccines due to delivery cancellations. Pharmacists are also reportedly worried about the availability of doses …

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Urgent Call: Doctors Advocate for NHS to Cease Hiring Lower-Ranking Medics and Ensure Transparent Patient-Provider Communication

A rebellion by senior medics threatens to disrupt the NHS’s plans to address workforce shortages by hiring junior staff. Doctors have expressed concern that the health service is increasingly turning to physician associates (PAs) because they are quicker and cheaper to train. However, they have warned that patients are often unaware that they are being …

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Unveiling the Debate: Dr. MAX PEMBERTON on Why the NHS Should Rethink Funding Fat Jabs for Millions

Experts are buzzing about a groundbreaking new drug called Wegovy that claims to eradicate obesity through painless injections. As a psychiatrist with two decades of experience working with obese individuals, I am thoroughly impressed by Wegovy’s potential to transform lives. Patients and friends who have privately obtained prescriptions for Wegovy not only shed significant weight …

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Survey Reveals Startling Findings: Many Brits Doubt Timely Access to NHS Treatment

A shocking study reveals that one-third of adults lack confidence in their ability to access healthcare services in a timely manner, including GP appointments, ambulance services, and NHS hospital treatment. Healthwatch England, which conducted the study with 2,507 participants, describes the findings as “worrying” and urges health leaders to address these negative perceptions to ensure …

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Autumn Covid Booster Shots: Eligibility and Booking Availability Revealed!

The NHS Rolls Out Covid Booster Jabs Amid Concerns about Mutant Variant The NHS has started administering Covid booster jabs to protect against a mutant variant that is spreading across the country. The autumn rollout in England began today, prioritizing care home residents and those who are housebound. The scheme was accelerated by a month …

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Exclusive: Early Start of Covid and Flu Vaccination Program Today for Care Home Residents amidst Growing Concerns over Pirola Variant

Millions of UK residents now have the opportunity to receive Covid and flu vaccinations as the autumn roll-out begins. This comes as concerns grow regarding the new Pirola variant, scientifically known as BA.2.86. Health experts fear that this strain could pose a significant threat to the NHS as it enters the typically busier autumn period. …

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