Honoring a Soviet Secret Policeman: Unveiling Russia’s Intriguing Tribute

The thunder of war in Ukraine often dominates the headlines about Russia, but amidst all the chaos, the Russian foreign intelligence service recently made an interesting move. Sergei Naryshkin, the director of the Sluzhba Vneshnei Razvedki (SVR), the Russian equivalent of the CIA, unveiled a statue of Feliks Dzerzhinsky, the founder of the Soviet secret …

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The Fallacy Surrounding Trump’s Indictments: Debunking the Dangerous Myth

In the months following Donald Trump’s indictment, an interesting phenomenon has occurred: his support among Republican voters in the presidential primary has actually increased. Despite facing multiple criminal charges, polls show that GOP voters are more likely to vote for him again. This trend has transformed Trump’s infamous statement from 2016, where he claimed he …

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Restoring Authentic American Patriotism: The Atlantic

This article was featured in One Story to Read Today, a newsletter in which our editors recommend a single must-read from The Atlantic, Monday through Friday. Sign up for it here. Nostalgia is often an unproductive emotion. Our memories can deceive us, particularly as we age. However, there are moments when nostalgia can remind us …

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The Era of Insecure Attachment Prevails in America.

A study conducted by the social psychologist Sara Konrath over a decade ago revealed that narcissism rates were increasing among Americans, while empathy was decreasing. To further investigate Americans’ connections, Konrath turned to attachment theory, which identified four basic attachment styles. The study analyzed nearly 100 other studies that assessed college students’ attachment styles and …

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