Wray bears responsibility for his own constitutional violations in Russiagate – can’t solely blame Comey

The House Judiciary Committee is currently conducting an investigation into the FBI’s subpoena of emails belonging to prominent Republican congressional staff members. During his recent testimony before Congress, FBI Director Christopher Wray did not provide any new information on various scandals, but instead tried to blame his predecessor, James Comey, for past abuses. However, the …

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Christopher Wray in charge of the FBI raises concerns about its leadership

In the classic good cop-bad cop scenario, two officers typically work together to achieve the same objective: getting the suspect to confess. Recently, Americans witnessed a real-life version of this scenario, which highlighted the distinction between good cops and bad cops in law enforcement. The good cops made a significant breakthrough by solving cold-case murders …

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Democrat Calls on Jordan to Silence GOP Lawmaker During Intense FTC Hearing

Editor’s note: There was an earlier error in this story regarding the court responsible for approving Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard. The House Judiciary Committee’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) oversight hearing on Thursday morning grew increasingly tense. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) criticized certain Republican lawmakers for their perceived hypocrisy and lack of integrity. These lawmakers, …

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Wray Stands Up for the Genuine FBI

Director Chris Wray vigorously defended the FBI during a contentious hearing in Congress, responding to a list of complaints from angry Republicans who are threatening to defund certain operations. They claim that the Justice Department shows bias against political conservatives such as Donald Trump. Wray, who testified for nearly six hours, refrained from answering questions …

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Confronting Christopher Wray, FBI Director, on Alleged Collusion with Social Media Companies to Censor American Citizens

Chris Wray’s testimony on Capitol Hill on Wednesday showcased his expertise in avoiding answering questions and stonewalling congressional oversight. Despite the multitude of reasons for him to acknowledge the FBI’s abuses of power during his tenure, Wray relied on familiar evasive phrases like “ongoing investigation” and “I can’t comment on personnel matters.” He refused to …

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FBI Director Chris Wray Responds to GOP’s ‘Outlandish’ Claims of Bias

FBI Director Chris Wray dismissed GOP accusations of bias and oppression towards conservatives as “insane.” During a House Judiciary Committee hearing, Republicans claimed that the FBI had been “weaponized” against the GOP, but Wray provided a reality check. As a registered Republican himself, nominated by former President Donald Trump, Wray found the accusation of bias …

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Biden administration believes in limiting conservatives’ free speech rights

When did the Biden administration assume infallibility and the divine right to suppress the free speech of conservatives? On July 4th, a federal judge, Terry Doughty, criticized the Biden censorship regime, calling it potentially the most significant attack on free speech in US history. Judge Doughty issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting the White House and …

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Extraordinary Video: Dr. Gal Luft, Witness in the Biden Corruption Case, Reveals Allegations Against President’s Family

Israeli professor Dr. Gal Luft, known as the “missing witness” in the Biden corruption investigation, has released a video where he outlines his bribery allegations against President Biden’s family. In the video, which was filmed in a secret location, Luft claims that he was arrested in Cyprus to prevent him from testifying to the House …

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Despite lab evidence, Dr. Fauci maintains belief in natural emergence of Covid

EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Anthony Fauci Asserts Belief in Natural Emergence of Covid-19, Despite FBI’s Lab Leak Claims In a candid interview with DailyMail.com, renowned infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci maintains his belief that the Covid-19 virus originated naturally, even as evidence of a potential lab accident continues to mount. While acknowledging the need to keep …

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