First-Ever FDA-Approved Pill, Zuranolone, Offers Relief from Postpartum Depression Affecting One in Seven New Mothers

The Food and Drug Administration has recently given approval for the first-ever pill developed to treat postpartum depression (PPD), a condition affecting approximately one in seven new mothers. This groundbreaking antidepressant, known as Zuranolone, is a once-a-day medication designed to be taken over a two-week period. It will be commercially available under the name Zurzuvae. …

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Cancer Crisis: Hear from Sufferers Facing ‘Disgraceful’ Delays in Treatment and Grim Prognoses

Cancer patients in England have shared their harrowing experiences of long waits for treatment on the NHS, resulting in premature deaths, depression, and uncertainty about the future. These stories shed light on the dire state of England’s cancer crisis, which is highlighted in MailOnline’s comprehensive data. The data, presented in an easy-to-use tool, exposes the …

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FDA Grants Approval for Groundbreaking Postpartum Depression Treatment Pill

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently given its seal of approval to the first-ever pill designed specifically to treat postpartum depression (PPD). This groundbreaking announcement was made by the agency on Friday, as reported in the official press release. Marketed as Zurzuvae, this medication is the first pill-based treatment option available for PPD, …

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First FDA-Approved Medication Developed Specifically for Postpartum Depression

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) took a groundbreaking step on Friday by approving Zurzuvae, the first-ever pill specifically designed to treat postpartum depression. This innovative drug, also known as zuranolone, offers rapid and effective relief from the symptoms of postpartum depression, a condition that affects up to 17% of individuals who have recently given …

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Study suggests new fathers may also experience postnatal depression

According to a new British study conducted by researchers from University College London (UCL), having a baby could trigger a relapse in men with a history of depression. The study analyzed medical records of 90,000 men who became fathers in the previous year and compared them to men who hadn’t become dads. The findings revealed …

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Is Electroshock Therapy in Need of a Ban? Activists Argue Against, While Psychiatrists Highlight Its Benefits. Should More Patients Embrace the Controversial Treatment to Overcome Depression?

One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, a 1975 film directed by Stanley Kubrick, is a highly disturbing portrayal of psychiatric treatment. The movie revolves around Randle McMurphy, played by Jack Nicholson, a criminal who feigns mental illness to avoid hard labor. Instead, he becomes the victim of cruel treatment at the hands of a vengeful …

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The Impact of Probiotics and Fish Oil Pills on Overcoming Depression

What are the causes of depression? Previously, it was believed to be solely attributed to an imbalance of brain chemicals. However, recent research challenges this theory and criticizes the mass use of antidepressant drugs. This conflicting information leaves us wondering what the truth is and how it affects patients. As an emergency doctor, I witness …

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Study Confirms Efficacy of Mindfulness

The practice of mindfulness has often been dismissed as mere mumbo-jumbo, but recent analysis of 13 scientific studies suggests that it could actually have a positive impact on mental health for up to six months. The studies revealed that individuals who participated in in-person mindfulness classes were less likely to experience issues such as anxiety …

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Is it Necessary to Reveal Your Depression to Your Boss?

Depression is a prevalent mental health condition that has a significant impact on individuals’ lives. According to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2023, one in five people has been diagnosed with depression at some point in their life. However, the effects of depression don’t just stay at home—they can …

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