Sarah Jessica Parker is famously known for her role as a witch in the 1993 Halloween classic, “Hocus Pocus.” Her character, Sarah Sanderson, is part of a trio of sisters who were executed during the Salem Witch Trials in the 1690s. This year, ABC is airing a special 30th-anniversary version of the film on October 29th. However, the true story behind Parker’s connection to the witch trials is even more terrifying than what is depicted on screen.
In the first episode of the genealogy series “Who Do You Think You Are?” Sarah Jessica Parker discovered that her 10th great-grandmother, Esther Elwell, was one of the more than 150 people falsely accused of witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials. These trials took place in colonial Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693, resulting in the execution of 20 individuals. Parker was deeply disturbed by this revelation and expressed a desire to somehow rectify the situation, despite it being impossible.
During her journey, Parker learned that her ancestor, Esther Elwell, was accused of causing the death of a woman named Mary Fitch. Someone had claimed to have witnessed three individuals resembling Elwell, physically harming and suffocating Fitch. These allegations were based on supposed visions and dreams. Parker expressed her disbelief and anger at the absurdity of the charges and the weight they carried during that time.
Fortunately, Parker later discovered that her ancestor was fortunate enough to survive. The Salem Witch Trials ended before Elwell’s trial could take place, sparing her from a potentially deadly fate. Parker expressed relief and gratitude, realizing the devastating outcomes that could have befallen her family.
Parker concluded her journey by visiting the gravesite of those who were not as fortunate as Esther Elwell. She paid her respects to the innocent victims of the witch trials and expressed her deep emotions and gratitude for her ancestor’s survival.
Although it is unclear when, Parker and her co-stars are expected to reprise their roles in “Hocus Pocus 3.” Screenwriter Jen D’Angelo confirmed that plans for a sequel are in the works, but the story is still being developed.
The 30th-anniversary screening of “Hocus Pocus” airs on Sunday, October 29th at 8 p.m. on ABC.