Might Ozempic Serve as an Anti-addiction Medication?

This article was featured in One Story to Read Today, a newsletter where our editors recommend a single must-read from The Atlantic every weekday. Join us by signing up here. Throughout her life, Victoria Rutledge always considered herself to have an addictive personality. Her first addiction was alcohol. After achieving sobriety in her early thirties, …

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Slimmer Digits Cause Fear of Losing Engagement Rings and Bracelets, Blaming Ozempic

The weight-loss drug known as ‘Ozempic’ has brought about some unusual side effects, earning it the nickname ‘Ozempic body’ and ‘Ozempic face.’ In addition to finding that their old clothes no longer fit, patients have also reported another impact of the medication: their rings no longer fit. Those experiencing this side effect, including a 40-year-old …

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Ozempic’s Impact on Teens: A Complex Situation

The demand for Ozempic in America continues to increase, making it a sought-after drug. Novo Nordisk, the manufacturer, has even limited shipments and paused advertising to prevent shortages. The drug’s active ingredient, semaglutide, is also known as Wegovy and is used as an obesity medication. It has gained popularity, especially among teenagers, as it has …

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