Feminists Opposing the Sexual Revolution

Was the sexual revolution a mistake? That’s a question that has sparked a debate among feminists in recent years. While many feminists have celebrated the benefits of the sexual revolution, including easier access to contraception, relaxed divorce laws, and the legalization of abortion, a growing strand of feminism known as “reactionary feminism” has called these …

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The Non-existent Agreement Within the GOP on Abortion

Republicans have had ample time to develop a clear and coherent message on abortion since the Roe v. Wade decision. However, Nikki Haley’s recent attempt to address the issue fell short of clarity and precision. While she expressed a desire to save lives and support mothers, her statements became increasingly vague and non-committal. She acknowledged …

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The EV Future: Tesla’s Reign Begins

When you experience driving a Tesla for the first time, there’s a moment where everything clicks. I had mine in Detroit, cruising around in a Model S about seven years ago. That’s when I felt the incredible speed, comparable to a supercar, without the usual engine noise. The controls were like nothing I had seen …

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Decoding the Enigma: Walt Nauta and His Role as Donald Trump’s Associate

In the perplexing case of Donald Trump’s indictment, one cannot help but wonder why he went to such great lengths to hoard classified documents. Equally intriguing is the inclusion of Walt Nauta as his co-defendant. Formerly an unfamiliar figure outside of Trump’s inner circle, Nauta, the ex-president’s personal valet and a Navy veteran, now faces …

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Yevgeny Prigozhin: Ukraine’s Rebellious Commander with Russian Connections

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the paramilitary Wagner Group, has been making waves in the war in Ukraine since early May. Through social media channels and on Telegram, Prigozhin has relentlessly criticized the Russian military command, specifically accusing them of failing to provide ammunition to his forces. This public display of dissent in a time …

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The Frustrating Business Tactic of Pay for Delay by Big Pharma

Antiretroviral drugs have revolutionized the treatment of HIV/AIDS, but their high costs continue to be a barrier for many patients. One factor contributing to these high prices is the exclusion of generic competition through “pay for delay” agreements. Brand-name drug companies pay other companies to delay the introduction of generic equivalents, allowing them to maintain …

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Has anything changed because of Edward Snowden’s disclosures?

Ten years ago, a group of journalists including documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras, blogger Glenn Greenwald, and a Guardian reporter, flew from New York to Hong Kong to meet an individual claiming to be a spy with a trove of secret documents. This individual turned out to be Edward Snowden, a contractor with the National Security …

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‘Buckle Up’ – Congressman’s Warning to Trump Supporters

As Donald Trump faced indictment, Republican politicians scrambled to pledge their loyalty to him and his base. Some even suggested retaliation, with Representative Andy Biggs tweeting that they had entered a “war phase” and urged an “eye for an eye” response. Failed gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, continuing her bid for VP on Trump’s ticket, warned …

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The Russian Red Line Yet to Be Crossed by Washington

In preparation for its invasion of Ukraine, Russia amassed over 100,000 troops on Ukraine’s border and presented NATO with a treaty demanding the cessation of military activity in Ukraine and the removal of NATO forces from Eastern Europe. This treaty was merely a pretext for war as Russian President Vladimir Putin had already made the …

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