Texan Couple Dedicates TEN YEARS Crafting a Bavarian Fortress on Austin’s Outskirts – Embodying Turrets and Fortifications – Enthused by Memorable 1995 German Voyage

Step into a fairytale at this magnificent estate in Texas. With its turrets, keep, and fortified walls, this six-bedroom abode resembles a European castle. However, this princely property is actually nestled in the heart of Texas, surrounded by sprawling countryside. The visionary behind this mindboggling estate is architect Terry Young and his wife Kim. Inspired …

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Flight Attendant Shares Expert Tips on Seamless ‘Skiplagging’ to Avoid Detection, Following American Airlines’ Ban of 17-Year-Old Savvy Traveler

Bobby Laurie, a former cabin crew for US Airways and Virgin America, has shared his expert advice on how to successfully utilize the money-saving technique called “skiplagging” without getting caught. Skiplagging involves booking a flight from Point A to Point B with a stopover at the desired destination and intentionally not boarding the connecting flight …

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