Increased Number of Americans Prefer a Same-Political Viewed Partner

Marriage rates in the US are declining rapidly, with more young adults either delaying or forgoing marriage altogether. While there are various reasons for this trend, one factor often overlooked is the growing difficulty that young people face in finding partners who meet all their requirements, including emotional, physical, financial, and political. In recent years, …

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Conversing with My Daughters about Beauty: My Approach

Discussing the subject of beauty with my three elementary-school-age daughters has always been a challenge. Despite my constant reminders that looks aren’t everything and that their character matters more, they remain skeptical. However, a year ago, while eavesdropping on my 9 and 6-year-old daughters, I overheard a conversation that shook me to my core. While …

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Thinking about Laziness in a More Productive Way

As someone who is known to those closest to me as a curious amalgam of discipline and ineffectuality, my idiosyncrasies often leave others bemused. Without fail, I rearrange the contents of my refrigerator with the speed and precision of a professional Tetris player, yet I once let a snake plant wither away because I forgot …

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