The Insights Offered by Your Preferred Personality Test

This article was featured in One Story to Read Today, a newsletter from The Atlantic that provides daily recommendations for must-read articles. If you want to receive this newsletter, you can sign up for it here. Throughout history, people have tried to categorize their inner workings in various ways. From the four bodily fluids theory …

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The Key to Happiness Lies in Enthusiasm

Written by Arthur Brooks, “How to Build a Life” is a captivating column that delves into the topics of meaning and happiness. If you’re interested, you can click here to explore his podcast series on the art of building a happy life. I have a friend who possesses an exceptional ability to bring happiness to …

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The Difference Between Masking for Smoke and Masking for COVID

Late last night, residents of New York City received familiar yet unusual advice from city officials. They were urged to wear high-quality masks, such as N95 or KN95, if they were older adults or had heart or breathing problems and needed to be outside. However, this time the recommendation was not related to viral infections …

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When Love Blossoms Despite the Language Barrier

When Lena McPeters initiated contact with her now-girlfriend on Facebook Dating, she was immediately attracted to her physical appearance. However, they soon discovered that they didn’t share a common language. Despite this obstacle, Lena, an English-speaking hotel manager in Lubbock, Texas, and Camilla, a Spanish-speaking factory supervisor from Dallas, found a way to communicate using …

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Reasons Why Adults Continue to Dream About School

I frequently have recurring dreams, and while one of them involves dismembering a body (which I’d rather not discuss), the one that truly stands out is the college dream. In this dream, it’s the end of the semester and I suddenly realize that there’s a class I’ve completely forgotten to attend. Now, I must face …

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Idaho Murders Trigger a True-Crime Frenzy.

News vans and satellite trucks descended upon Moscow, Idaho, as reporters from various media outlets flocked to the scene of a brutal crime: the murder of four University of Idaho students. The frenzy was palpable, with TV producers swarming the Corner Club to solicit tips and rumors from students, and Nancy Grace even setting up …

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Avoiding the Traits of Your Parents: A Guide

Parenting can be a challenge that is not without its pitfalls. One of the biggest hurdles is the tendency for individuals to repeat the same patterns and behaviors of their own parents, whether good or bad. This phenomenon is known as the “intergenerational transmission of parenting,” and it can be a daunting challenge for parents …

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The Era of Insecure Attachment Prevails in America.

A study conducted by the social psychologist Sara Konrath over a decade ago revealed that narcissism rates were increasing among Americans, while empathy was decreasing. To further investigate Americans’ connections, Konrath turned to attachment theory, which identified four basic attachment styles. The study analyzed nearly 100 other studies that assessed college students’ attachment styles and …

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