The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on the Brain: Latest Research Findings

Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to brain damage and increased risk of neurological diseases. Researchers found that the protein pleiotrophin (PTN) decreases with sleep deprivation, causing neuronal death in the hippocampus and potentially indicating cognitive impairment. Research identifies the decline of the protein pleiotrophin (PTN) as a cause of neuronal death due to sleep …

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10 Ways to Boost Your Heart Health with Every Movement

Summary: A recent study found that moderate to vigorous activity throughout the day significantly benefits heart health compared to sedentary behavior. Analyzing data from over 15,000 individuals, the research identified a hierarchy of daily movements affecting heart health indicators. Small changes, such as replacing sitting with light activity, can improve heart metrics, with intensity of …

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The Connection Between Mental Health and Physical Well-being

Summary: A groundbreaking study has revealed a significant connection between severe mental health issues and physical multimorbidity. The findings, based on an analysis of data from close to 200,000 psychiatric patients, point to a nearly two-fold increased likelihood of suffering from chronic physical conditions among those with mental disorders. This correlation underscores the necessity for …

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How Different Brain States Impact Decision-Making and Why It Matters

Study shows that mice decisions are not split-second choices, but rather a reflection of the brain’s preexisting state. The use of Buridan’s Assay reveals that the brain’s preexisting goal guides decision-making, with patterns of neuron activity predicting choice, even before options are available. Hunger and thirst indirectly influence the brain’s goal-setting, with randomness triggering switches …

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Unlocking the Power of the Brain’s Salience Network in Overcoming Drug Addiction Quickly

Study Finds Intravenous Drug Administration Activates Brain’s ‘Salience Network’ and Offers Insights into Addiction Mechanisms A new clinical trial conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) suggests that the brain’s “salience network” is only activated when drugs are administered intravenously and not orally. …

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The Surprising Connection Between Cannabis Use and Increased Empathy

Summary: A groundbreaking study suggests that regular cannabis users may have an enhanced ability to comprehend and interpret others’ emotions. Through psychological assessments and brain imaging, researchers discovered that cannabis users exhibit stronger connectivity in brain regions associated with empathy. This work, involving 136 participants, has potential implications for treating social interaction deficits in various …

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The Dangers of Soda: How it Can Lead Kids to Alcohol Use

A recent study found that regular caffeinated soda consumption in children may increase the likelihood of alcohol use. Researchers examined the activity of over 2,000 young participants and discovered a connection with impulsivity and working memory deficits. According to the study, children who drink caffeinated soda every day may be more prone to substance use, …

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Discover the Benefits of Early Manganese Exposure on Teen Learning and Memory

Summary: A recent study reveals that exposure to manganese in the early stages of life may boost verbal learning and memory during adolescence. The research, which utilized tooth manganese levels as biomarkers, indicates that prenatal exposure is associated with enhanced cognitive functions, while postnatal exposure does not show a significant relationship. This groundbreaking study sheds …

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Unlocking the Potential: How Adolescent Brain Biomarkers Can Predict Mental Health

New Study Finds Link between Adolescent Brain Connectivity and Cognitive and Psychiatric Development A groundbreaking study conducted by researchers at Georgia State University’s Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science (TReNDs) Center has established a remarkable connection between functional network connectivity (FNC) in the brains of adolescents and their cognitive development, as well as potential …

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Understanding the Impact of Cortisol on PTSD Susceptibility

Summary: Researchers have discovered the impact of stress-induced hormones, such as cortisol, on the development of PTSD. By using a rat model that has a reduced hormonal response to stress, scientists observed impaired fear extinction, decreased hippocampal volume, and sleep disruptions, which are all characteristics linked to PTSD. A treatment approach combining cognitive therapy with …

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