Revealing the Unexpected Antiquity of the ‘Man in the Moon’

Scientists have long believed that the moon formed 4.5 billion years ago, based on studies of lunar rocks. However, dating the lunar surface has remained a challenge. Traditionally, scientists have relied on counting craters to estimate the age of sections of the lunar crust. Unlike Earth, the moon lacks erosion and plate tectonics that could …

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Japanese Company Reports High Probability of Spacecraft Crash on Moon

A Japanese spacecraft from the company ispace encountered a disappointing setback when it crashed while attempting to land on the moon. Communication with the spacecraft was lost just moments before touchdown, leaving flight controllers scrambling for answers. After more than six hours of uncertainty, ispace confirmed that there was a “high probability” the lander had …

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Full Moon Dates and Peak Time in the UK

On November 19, 2021, spectators had the opportunity to witness a partial lunar eclipse. This phenomenon occurs when the Earth is in between the Sun and the full moon, but they do not align perfectly in a straight line. If the conditions are favorable, onlookers may catch a glimpse of half of the moon with …

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