Breaking Barriers: Women Gamers Fight for Visibility in 2023

GamerGate: The Fallout and The Future of Women in the Gaming Industry Nearly ten years since the maelstrom of GamerGate, an infamous scandal synonymous with misogyny and harassment directed towards women in the gaming industry, the year 2023 remains entrenched in echoes of the past. The burning question on everyone’s mind: Where is the games …

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The Unpredictable Glitches of the AI Seinfeld Show: Hilariously Mimicking Frank Costanza on Festivus

Twitch’s AI-generated Nothing Forever stream when it launched back in February. This is the internet, however, so it wasn’t long before the stream’s Seinfeld-like protagonist started spewing leading to a ban on the streaming platform. Now it’s back, but experiencing some serious bugs that could end the enterprise entirely. It started on October 27, when …

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The Common Ground Between Kai Cenat and Donald Trump

Kai Cenat, a popular live streamer and YouTuber, falls into the category of influential individuals known as “influencers.” These influencers range from teenage fashionistas to virtual crash test dummies. One such influencer, Isabella Barrett, has amassed a fortune simply by “living the life.” However, influence can become perilous when wielded by someone lacking common sense …

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Streamer’s Giveaway Attracts Crowds, Leading to NYPD’s Clash

Manhattan’s Union Square was inundated with thousands of people on Friday afternoon due to a highly anticipated giveaway organized by an internet personality. However, the event quickly spiraled out of control, resulting in chaos and disorder. Individuals in the crowd began climbing on vehicles, throwing chairs, and even engaging in physical altercations. Law enforcement faced …

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