The Unpredictable Glitches of the AI Seinfeld Show: Hilariously Mimicking Frank Costanza on Festivus

Twitch’s AI-generated Nothing Forever stream when it launched back in February. This is the internet, however, so it wasn’t long before the stream’s Seinfeld-like protagonist started spewing leading to a ban on the streaming platform. Now it’s back, but experiencing some serious bugs that could end the enterprise entirely. It started on October 27, when …

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The Atlantic Explores “The Kramercore Summer”

In 1994, Charmaine Simmons, the costume supervisor for the hit TV show Seinfeld, faced an unexpected challenge: fans were clamoring to dress like Kramer, Jerry’s eccentric neighbor played by Michael Richards. Seinfeld had become a cultural phenomenon, and its unique style and humor were influencing pop culture beyond the small screen. Despite the show’s success, …

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