Unseen Concussions: The Neglected Injury Affecting Many

The months of haze began in an instant when my horse stumbled while I was shifting my seat. I don’t recall falling, but I remember feeling the leather reins slip through my hand as I hit my thigh on the ground. Then, the impact against the indoor arena wall jolted my back so severely it …

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When a Parent Loses Recollection of Your Identity

When I entered this world, my parents embarked on a symbolic act of nurturing by planting a corkscrew willow sapling next to a meandering stream in our Ithaca, New York home. Over time, that tree grew to great heights, reaching a staggering 30 feet. I have fond memories of climbing its sturdy trunk and sliding …

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Why Your Phone Isn’t the Ideal Source for Mindfulness

“Let us embark on a journey to moonlit valleys adorned with heather,” Harry Styles whispers to me. The voice of the pop star is melodic, soothing, and evokes the feeling of being at an adult sleepaway camp, where he is our captivating counselor and it’s time to settle down for the night. Styles’s iambic invitation …

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