Unveiling the Truth: Driving Schools Exploiting the Backlog, Charging £255 to Book Tests, Four Times the Original Fee

Driving schools are taking advantage of the post-Covid backlog at the DVSA, resulting in inflated prices for booking driving tests. One company, Fast Driving Test Booking (FDTBooking), openly admitted to ripping off customers by charging £180 for a test that should only cost £62. Another company charged as much as £255 for the same service. …

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The Top 5 Items Easily Stolen from Your Car According to Seasoned Crooks: Exposing the Lucrative £100M Vehicle Theft Industry in the UK – Is Your Area at Risk?

Convicted thieves have recently disclosed the easiest items to steal from cars, shedding light on the alarming rise of car thefts in the UK. In the past two years alone, car thefts have amounted to a staggering £109 million, with victims losing an average of £618 worth of possessions. Shockingly, there have been an average …

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Discover How Electric Car Insurance Costs Can Soar Up to £9,000

Philip Small, owner of London catering and events firm Philip Small Ltd, was shocked when he received an insurance quote of £8,932 for his electric car this year. Despite never having an accident and making no changes to his policy, his premiums had increased ninefold compared to last year. This increase is not unique to …

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