US Ambassador draws comparison between Putin and Stalin at the UN

A press release by the United Nations on November 21 reveals that U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield made a comparison between Russian dictator Vladimir Putin”s weaponization of food resources in Ukraine and the atrocities of Joseph Stalin during the Holodomor. During a UN Security Council meeting, Thomas-Greenfield equated Putin’s use of food …

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Honoring a Soviet Secret Policeman: Unveiling Russia’s Intriguing Tribute

The thunder of war in Ukraine often dominates the headlines about Russia, but amidst all the chaos, the Russian foreign intelligence service recently made an interesting move. Sergei Naryshkin, the director of the Sluzhba Vneshnei Razvedki (SVR), the Russian equivalent of the CIA, unveiled a statue of Feliks Dzerzhinsky, the founder of the Soviet secret …

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Resisting the Information War: Fighting Back

In a thought-provoking twist, a Russian bureaucrat and his wife find themselves questioning their disillusionment with life. In a surprising turn of events, the man decides to reach out to the CIA, believing that his actions will bring dignity into their lives. This isn’t just another Cold War movie trailer; it’s a bold attempt by …

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Putin’s Survival Relies Solely on a Constant State of War

Napoleon, a historical figure who embodied the principle of personal will, embraced his legacy with conviction. On the other hand, Wellington, in stark contrast, prioritized duty above all else, willingly risking his life on numerous battlefields. The deliberate cultivation of the Duke’s “anti-heroic personality” becomes evident when examining Hitler’s supreme command, which, as analyzed by …

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