Rising Rates of Overdose Deaths Among Pregnant and Postpartum Women

A recent study conducted in January has unveiled a shocking revelation: mortality rates for pregnant women and new mothers have worsened during the pandemic, and a new study has focused on one specific cause—overdoses. Researchers with the National Institute on Drug Abuse have delved into the data, reviewing over 17,000 deaths between 2018 and 2021. …

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Discover How AI Can accurately predict your level of intoxication

Prepare to test your enunciation skills, as researchers are investigating the potential of using tongue twisters to determine intoxication levels. According to a recent study, speech analysis showed remarkable accuracy in detecting intoxication based on pronunciation. The Guardian details the findings published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. This involved an entertaining …

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Exciting Discovery: Geologists Unearth ‘Lost Continent’ of Argoland

Congratulate yourself for finding your lost keys? That’s nothing compared to the recent discovery of an entire lost continent by scientists. They have managed to piece together a geological puzzle and locate a microcontinent called Argoland, which broke off from western Australia millions of years ago due to shifting tectonic plates, as reported by IFL …

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Unveiling a 2K-Year-Old Vesuvius Scroll: Discovering Our First Clue

Artificial intelligence and two students from different parts of the world have successfully deciphered the first word from ancient scrolls that were preserved for almost 2,000 years after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD79. These scrolls, discovered in the 18th century in a luxurious villa in Herculaneum, are considered “the only intact library …

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Crucial Breakthrough Unveiled in the Enigma of Long COVID

A new study suggests that a reduction in serotonin levels may be a key component in the vexing medical mystery of long COVID. According to research published in Cell, some individuals may be able to alleviate symptoms such as brain fog by taking medication to boost this neurotransmitter. The New York Times reports that the …

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How Goalies Perceive the World: A Unique Perspective on Reality

A fascinating study suggests that goalies perceive the world differently than the rest of us. Specifically, they process information differently. The study, published in Current Biology, reveals that soccer goalies, as well as goalkeepers in other sports, possess an exceptional ability to process simultaneous visual and auditory stimuli and respond with lightning speed. The …

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Unveiling the Unprecedented Power of Solar Storms through Tree Rings

Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery – evidence of the largest solar storm in history. If this storm were to occur today, it would have catastrophic consequences for our world. This astonishing find was reported by the BBC. The team of researchers studied slices of ancient trees found along the banks of the Drouzet …

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