Chris Wallace Appositely Halts RNC Chair’s Worries About Biden’s Vacation

Ronna McDaniel, who previously raised concerns about “irregularities” in the 2020 election, has shifted her focus to inflation and criticized President Biden’s time spent away from the White House. She claimed that Biden has spent 40% of his presidency on vacation, citing numbers from the RNC that accused him of “rewarding himself” with vacations. However, …

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RNC Chair Upholds GOP Loyalty Pledge with Strong Conviction

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chair Ronna McDaniel reaffirmed her party’s loyalty pledge before the upcoming GOP primary debate. This pledge requires qualifying candidates to commit to supporting the RNC’s eventual nominee for the 2024 presidential election. McDaniel emphasized the importance of candidates standing on the RNC debate stage being able to back the nominee and …

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